Media Team Resources
Thank you so much for volunteering with our church media team. To help you stay on top of everything and make your job even smoother, we've created this media resource page. This one-stop shop provides access to valuable resources, including training materials, the latest team schedule, handy cheat sheets, and equipment manuals. Be sure to bookmark this page for easy access - it's your key to staying informed and empowered!
Sound Tutorials
Proclaim Tutorials
Volunteer Reference Guide - This six minute video gives a good overview of how Proclaim works.
Advanced Proclaim Videos - This page has a full catalog of videos that show all that Proclaim is capable of. Not all of these videos apply to our services.
Checklists - WIP
These YouTube channels and free media sites are valuable resources for our church media team. Feel free to browse and be inspired.
Availability Form
In an effort to avoid scheduling conflicts, please let us know of any dates that you are unavailable to volunteer.